Friday, December 4, 2015

#076 Randomizer

… in which podcasters gossip about other podcasters, bitch about reconstructions, gush about the audios and books, and share their thoughts about the Moffat era. Special guests St. Xtofer (Dirty WHOers), Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern & The Doctor Who Book Club), Lauren Faits (Geek Girl Chicago), and a couple of old lardies who used to be Doctor Who.

Right Click/Option Click to download.

1 comment:

  1. Feel better soon JB!

    This podcast was a real treat.

    It's great to see the friendships between your show and Sr. Homrig's and the Dirty Whoers. I learned of the Whoers through your show (If the memory is working correctly) and really liked their season 8 discussions. I've missed them this year. Sean is on two of the other Who podcasts I faithfully follow (Book Club and the Tardis Tavern)... Kudos and thanks to all of you for creating this (unfortunately small) niche of critical, open minded, non-hostile and fun casts.

    I hope you will check out the Book club podcast, as discussed in your podcast, it's a real gem.
    Also, I think you could find a lot to like from Doctor Who and the Pirates, especially as an example of how far a single Who story can be stretched tonally without resorting to insane plot devices and still work. It's not the most ambitious or creative piece of fiction, but it does exactly what it needs to well. Jacqueline Rayner, with Pirates, the Glass Prison and the Marion Conspiracy has been gotten my vote for script editor, or at least regular series writer, for New Who since it came back. Humane, well-paced, interesting, emotionally-resonant... logical. What more could we ask for in 2015?

    (Wisdom Teeth) Recuperate!
